Issues and Solutions for Poor Sleep
Sleep Hygiene
It is important to understand that there are certain lifestyle choices that impact our sleep. The use of caffeine, the amount of light exposure, our bedroom environment, and what we eat all impact the quality of our sleep.
Sleep Timing
Sleep timing is also part of sleep hygiene but it is a significant issue that is important to examine closer.
Enviornmental Issues
Sleep researchers define the impact of excess light and noise in neighborhoods on our sleep quality as pollution. Too much noise from traffic, sirens, and people talking all hours of the night will disrupt our sleep. This can vary from area to area and is more prevalent in socioeconomically challenged neighborhoods. Also, neighborhoods with poor walking environments due to density, little green space, or crime can impact sleep quality.
Some solutions are noise and light-dampening curtains, urban planning to improve neighborhoods, as well as crime reduction solutions.
For more information see this journal article by Drs. Johnson, Billings, and Hale:
Sleep Duration
Sleep duration is a part of sleep hygiene. The amount of research that shows less than 6 hours of sleep or more than 9 hours is important to understand the impact on our overall health.
Stress and Sleep
Our stress levels are part of addressing sleep hygiene but it merits its own focus here.
Identify IF You Have a Sleep Disorder
I've listed this option last to demonstate that if you have gone through all of these and you are still exhausted, you should consult with a sleep physician. Looking at various screening tools can give you a better idea if you need to contact a sleep disorder. You can look at insomnia scales, sleep apnea scales (Epworth Sleepiness Scale, STOP-BANG) to determine if you should see a sleep physician.
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